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Invincible comics Wiki

You killed Dupli-Kate! I'm going to make you pay!

Shrinking Ray's last words in, Invincible Issue #40

Shrinking Ray, also known as Raymond, was a member of the Guardians of the Globe who had the ability to shrink to small sizes. This power allowed him to be able to escape traps quite easily. He was eventually killed when Komodo Dragon swallowed him whole.


Background Information[]

Little is known about Shrinking Ray's past, it is thought of that Ray was employed by Microorganics Ltd. Bethesda, Maryland at the time of the fatal implosion that destroyed the company's nanotechnology lab. One of the survivors was an intern named Ray, who has not been located since the implosion. People have theorized that Ray gained his abilities from the Microorganics incident and shortly after became a superhero, Ray had neither confirmed nor denied this story.

Shrinking Ray first gained national attention when he saved the life of the Lieutenant Governor of Vermont from a microscopic assassin who had gained access to his brain. Ray defeated the killer in a sub-atomic duel inside the politician's skull. Over the next several years, Shrinking Ray fought evil of all sizes, often toiling in obscurity.

Perfect Strangers[]

Guardians New Roster

The new Guardians of the Globe, including Shrinking Ray.

After the death of the original Guardians, Robot had been tasked in making a new roster for the team, gathering multiple heroes from all around the world, with one of them being Shrinking Ray. After consideration, Robot would announce the new roster for the Guardians, with Shrinking Ray being added on the roster along with Monster Girl, Dupli-Kate, Black Samson, and Rex Splode.

Head of The Class[]

Shrinking Ray is later seen dealing with the Flaxans along with the rest of the Guardians and when another alien invasion occurs, he is their dealing with it along with the rest of the Guardians.

Later on, when Invincible gets manipulated by Titan to battle against Machine Head, Ray and the rest of the Guardians show up to help him. He is seen nauseating Magmaniac by going through his ear.

The Facts of Life[]

After Mark accidentally causes Angstrom Levy's warehouse to blow up, Ray and the rest of the Guardians show up to check up on him.

A Different World[]

Ray is seen along with the rest of the Guardians and other heroes facing off against Omnipotus.

There's Company[]

Ray Mastermind

Shrinking Ray, annoyed by missing his knockout.

When Mastermind takes control of a bunch of innocent bystanders, Ray and the rest of the Guardians face off against him. During their battle, Mastermind gets control over Black Samson, Bulletproof, and The Immortal. Fortunately, Ray was able to stay hidden from Mastermind due to his abilities. Right before Ray was about to take out Mastermind, Invincible drops a boulder from above him, which really annoys Ray.

When Cecil Stedman introduces Robot's new cloned body to the rest of the Guardians, Shrinking Ray, along with the rest of them, are left in a state of shock.

My Favorite Martian[]

Ray, along with the rest of the Guardians are seen again when Doc Seismic made his grand return with his Magmanites. While it seemed like a close battle, the problem was resolved when Shapesmith constricted Doc Seismic with his abilities.

After attending Immortal and Dupli-Kate's marriage, Cecil informs Ray and the rest of the Guardians of a spaceship headed towards Earth. This causes Shapesmith to confess about his true origins which enrages Cecil and the rest of the Guardians. Cecil ends up assembling a team capable of battling Sequids, which ends up sidelining Ray, Rex, and Kate on Earth.


Ray Death

The death of Shrinking Ray.

While on Earth, he gets interrupted by Cecil when the Lizard League end up taking over a missile facility. Ray along with Kate and Rex are all ordered to fight back as the league have the chance to start another world war. When they arrive there, Ray shrinks down and opens the door the league were cooped up in. Due to their lack of numbers and strength, the Lizard League actually gain the upper hand in the fight and one of their members ends up killing off Kate. In a state of shock and rage, Ray goes up towards Komodo Dragon to avenge her. However Komodo Dragon simply mocks him, calling him dessert and swallowing him whole.


Shortly after Ray's death, Rex Splode starts killing off members of the Lizard League in an adrenaline rush. Komodo Dragon would eventually meet his end when he cockily eats Rex's hand which contained one of his explosives which went off and blew his head up, avenging Ray's death.

Physical Appearance[]

Ray appears as an average Caucasian male with brown eyes, mostly sporting glasses at times. In his superhero outfit, his body is nearly covered his body, with his arms and face being the only thing exposed. He also wears gloves and boots to cover his hands and feet respectively. His color palette is that of green and black, with his costume sporting an upside down triangle on his chest with the letter "R" in the middle, presumably for his superhero name.


Ray is sensitive to the fact that his powers are not as spectacular as those his teammates possess, and deeply resents any implication that his shrinking abilities are not useful. However, Shrinking Ray's insecurities just inspire him to greater acts of heroism.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Shrinking: Ray possesses the ability to reduce his body to varying degrees including the subatomic level by manipulating his molecular structure simply by wishing it to be so. He is capable of changing his size, mass, and density at will, gaining or losing these attributes to the cosmic background as needed,


  • Escapology: Ray is capable of escaping through most traps or constraints thanks to his powers.
  • Hand-to-Hand Combat: Ray has dealt with many enemies using his fighting skills.
  • Stealth: Ray has been able to sneak his way past enemies, such as when he was able to completely bypass Mastermind's control due to him using his powers to avoid him.

