Warning: this character is fictional in the invincible universe, meaning that the history mentioned here is non-canon.
Science Dog, in the world of Invincible, is a comic book character created by Filip Schaff and he’s featured in comics, tv shows, and various other merchandise. Science Dog is one of the most popular comic characters in the world of Invincible, with the hero being Mark Grayson's favorite, reading about his comic exploits and playing with his action figures throughout the series.
Background Information[]
Science Dog was once a normal Scottish terrier; the laboratory dog and unofficial mascot in a high tech lab run by Dr. Collins. Collins and his team, including scientists Walter and Daniel, were on the verge of a breakthrough in the science of time travel.
The lab had begun to run a test on their very own time machine. The experiment seemed to be going off without a hitch until Science accidentally interfered. Science and Walter were sucked into the machine as it created a temporal explosion. The explosion killed Dr. Collins and paralyzed Daniel. When Science and Walter emerged from the breach, their molecules were evolved one million years.
Science is now a human-dog hybrid and was imbued with great powers including insanely enhanced intelligence, super strength and super speed. He quickly teamed up with Daniel and Rachel, his new lab assistant, to start a crime fighting team.
Nothing But a Hound Dog[]
Science’s greatest test occurred when he encountered an unknown alien race. They had become stranded within Earth’s orbit after running out of fuel. The alien’s teleported Science to their vessel while he was in a pitched battle with Walter (for the 14th time).
The aliens needed someone brilliant enough to create a new fuel source. After observing Earth, they decided that Science was that individual. Desperate, the aliens kidnapped Science and threatened to destroy the planet unless he helped them. Science complied with their demands.
The aliens had prepared a stasis chamber. Within, Science could work uninterrupted. Science eventually engineered a process that would re-create the aliens original fuel source.
Relieved that the work only took a few hours, Science was eager to return to Earth and deal with Walter. Unfortunately, he underestimated the stasis effect of the chamber. Instead of being within the chamber for a few hours, he had been working within it for 11 months.
Science thus found a dystopian landscape waiting for him. Walter had run amok across North America and somehow destroyed the city Science had attempted to protect.
Groundhog Day[]
Science eventually stumbled across Rachel, and found out that in his absence Walter had murdered Daniel. Instead of confronting Walter, Science went into solution mode. He began a six year long process of recreating (and perfecting) Dr. Collins’ time machine.
Science used the machine to travel back to the moment he disappeared. But he was temporarily disoriented by his trip through time. By the time he had regained his wits, the present day Science had already been abducted by the aliens – and Daniel had engaged Walter in battle in his place.
Science gathered his combat gear and raced to the battle ground. He arrived just in time to see Walter murder Daniel. Enraged, Science murdered Walter in retaliation. Then he returned to his underground lair, resolute that this wasn’t over.
Science spent the next six months recreating the time machine. He ignored everything that happened around him, including attacks by powerful super-villains and horrific menaces. Rachel lost an arm during one such conflict. But Science continued to work, reasoning that none of it would matter when he went back in time and fixed things properly.
When the time machine was ready (for the second time), Science went back once again. But this time, he was better prepared for the transition. Moreover, he travelled several minutes further back.
I can fix this[]
As the “present” Science went to battle Walter, “future” Science rocketed into orbit searching for the alien vessel. He didn’t even bother to conceal his exit, which was witnessed by both Daniel and Rachel.
It didn’t take Science long to discover the location of the alien vessel. The aliens were taken aback when “future” Science came in to offer help, but were grateful nonetheless.
”Future” Science had but one condition for his aid. Upon the completion of his work he wanted to be taken far away from Earth as two Science dogs may have been too much to bear.
Back on Earth, “present day” Science Dog made quick work of Walter and returned him back into police custody. He was completely unaware of the catastrophe he had narrowly avoided. Daniel and Rachel, who had witnessed “future” Science leaving the lair decided that it was for the best to keep what they saw a secret until a later date.