The Atlanteans are a race of semi-amphibious humanoids that have developed a highly advanced undersea civilization on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean. The fishlike Atlanteans likely inspired human legends of mermaids and other undersea beings who were half human and half fish.
The origin of the Atlantean race is unknown, however their is a high and likely chance that the Atlanteans are human beings who evolved fish-like adaptations to underwater living. While it may seem unlikely, it is also possible that pre-cataclysmic Atlantean sorcerers foresaw the sinking of Atlantis and used magical means to transform part of all of the population to enable them to dwell underwater.
Highly advanced in science and engineering, Atlanteans have developed technologies based on completely different principles than humankind. Atlanteans can manipulate water and have mastered an engineering process known as cold forging, which they use to create fearsome armed submarines and beautiful poly-coral cities that glow with bioluminescent lighting.
Despite their technological advancements, Atlantean society is full of contradictions. They embrace innovation and scientific advancement, yet they have a highly ritualized culture that values symbolism, ceremony, and tradition. Important matters of state are often accompanied by ridiculously lengthy and theatrical rituals, and policy is often dictated by arcane customs.
With the exception of a few isolated and violent encounters, Atlantean society remained hidden from surface-dwellers for thousands of years up until the 20th century, when they established formal contact with human beings. Overtime, this created a tenuous relationship between humankind and Atlanteans, who jealously guard their technology and resent the impact that surface-dwellers have on their culture and environment.
Currently a state of tense coexistence and limited trade exists between Atlanteans and the surface word. Atlanteans have long been suspicious of air breathers, and with the death of Aquarus, their people have lost a strong advocate of interaction with the surface world. The widowed Aquaria has taken the former vizier Lethan as her consort, and he now rules at her side.
Physical Appearance[]
Atlanteans are semi-amphibious water dwellers, their appearance share similarities with a regular fish. They possess gills that are usually in their arms and back. They have two eyes and four fingers which are webbed to navigate through the ocean faster. Their skin color is that of a light blue.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Atlantean Physiology: Atlanteans are semi-amphibious water dwellers, possessing gills and lungs which enable them to breathe beneath the oceans surface and for a li
- Amphibious: Atlanteans posses gills and lungs that enable them to breathe beneath the oceans surface and for a limited time, above the surface as well.
- Superhuman Durability: Atlanteans posses superhuman physiology allowing them to withstand great pressures and extremes in temperature underwater.
- Hydrokinesis: Atlanteans are capable of summoning, shaping and manipulating water into powerful streams from their hands.