Finally...some action!
Aquarus heading to Guardians HQ in, Invincible Issue #7
Aquarus was the Atlantean King and one of the original members of the Guardians of the Globe. His physiology granted him the ability to excel underwater. He, along with the other Guardians worked alongside Omni-Man, up until he betrayed and killed him.
Background Information[]
Not much of Aquarus' history is known, what is known is that he was born as an Atlantean which made him posses abilities that any other Atlanteans had as well. At some point in his life, either from birth or adulthood, Aquarus became the king of Atlantis, marrying Aquaria, which made her the Queen.
Under his just but firm rule, the Atlanteans developed matter transportation technology, vanquished threat of the Depth Dweller, and established contact with the surface world. While the circumstances of his knowledge of the surface world are unknown, he was quickly regarded as a heroic champion in it, even becoming a member of the original Guardians of the Globe.
Aquarus welcomed his activities with the Guardians, since, like other members of his species, he grew sluggish in the cold depths of the ocean when inactive. Through his work as a superhero, Aquarus became the public face of Atlantis to humankind and a legend among his own people.
Eight is Enough[]
One day, while Aquarus was sitting in his throne, he gets an alert from his wristwatch to go to the Guardians HQ, which excites Aquarus since he's been waiting for some action.
When he arrives, he is joined by the rest of the Guardians as the Immortal asks why they were gathered, Aquarus' and the rest of the Guardians are left perplexed as to their gathering. Suddenly, in an instant, Aquarus' and the rest of the Guardians get ambushed by Omni-Man who instantly kills all the Guardians including Aquarus.
In the aftermath of their deaths, hundreds of heroes from across the word would attend their funeral service. After the entire world finds out about Omni-Man's betrayal, Aquaria would try and select a new king, while she initially chose Invincible due to Atlantis' laws, she eventually settled on the vizier Lethan, who proved himself to Aquaria by defeating an upcoming threat against Atlantis.
Years later, when Invincible touched a white light that put him back into his body back in time. He attempted to talk to his father about not killing the Guardians of the Globe again. Nolan became angry and immediately attacked Mark. Mark led him to Utah where he tricked Nolan into smashing into the Guardians of the Globe headquarters. He revealed Nolan's plans to the Guardians and they subdued Nolan. However, Aquarus was late to respond to the alert and only walked in on the wreckage afte the fight had completed. Cecil Stedman soon arrived and agreed to bring Nolan back to the Pentagon and restrain him. This altered timeline would not last as Invincible wanted to see his daughter once again, causing Aquarus' and the rest of the Guardians to stay dead.
In the end, Aquarus' and the other Guardians would get their deaths avenged as Omni-Man gets his chest brutally wounded by Grand Regent Thragg, causing him to die a heroic death, regretful for all his actions he did as a Viltrumite.
Physical Appearance[]
Aquarus, as all other Atlanteans, appears as a muscular anthropomorphic fish, having yellow eyes, sporting fins growing out from his back and arms. His skin color is also predominantly blue. He would only usually wear what seemed to be a specially made outfit for Atlanteans as clothing, the outfit would be predominantly black with a triangular white line in the middle. Like all the other Guardians, Aquarus wore a piece of equipment resembling a wristband that would signal an alert anytime him or any of the other Guardians were needed in action.
From what little was gathered, Aquarus seemed to only be in the Guardians as a way to have some fun, seen from his excitement of getting an alert from Guardians HQ.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Atlantean Physiology: Aquarus has various abilities common to his race, much like most Atlanteans, Aquarus has adapted to the immense pressure of the sea, thereby granting him a superior physiology compared to normal humans.
- Amphibious: Aquarus was capable of surviving indefinitely in or out of water, being able to breathe normally due to his unique physiology.
- Superhuman Durability: Aquarus' body was capable of enduring the immense pressure and freezing temperatures of the oceanic depths.
- Hydrokinesis: Aquarus is able to summon, shape and manipulate water into powerful streams from his hands.
- Leadership: Aquarus' leadership is vast due to his reign as the King of Atlantis.